
How to pay with Paypal without opening an account ?

We work with Paypal, to pay your order on our website by credit card you will be redirected to the Paypal website. The following window will open. If you do not have a Paypal account, simply click on "Check out as a guest". A new window asking you to enter your credit card numbers will then appear.

ATTENTION : If you place your order via a tablet or a smartphone / iphone the opening of a Paypal account may be mandatory for the sake of security of your banking data. The mobiles being very easily hackable. For orders issued outside France the opening of an account is also mandatory (protection against orders placed with stolen bank credit card numbers).

If you are used to placing orders on the internet, opening a Paypal account is highly recommended. The opening and use are completely free and without obligation of use or purchase, you then benefit from the protection of buyers in case of non receipt of your order or receipt of a damaged or non-conforming object.

Problems of understanding ? We invite you to watch the video below which shows the order and payment processes step by step.

How to order and pay with Paypal ?

Below you will find a video showing how to add products to your cart and how to pay by credit card via Paypal safely without opening an account.