What are the benefits of blue calcite ?

In summary...

Bones, joints, convalescence, blood pressure, nervous system, stress, relaxation, memory, communication

Physical benefits

Blue calcite - Third eye chakra - AJNA - Throat chakra - VISHUDDHA - Bones, joints, convalescence, blood pressure, nervous system, stress, relaxation, memory, communication
In lithotherapy, blue calcite is associated with bones and joints. It is a soft stone to use during convalescence, it facilitates physical healing. It also helps improve the body's absorption of important vitamins and minerals. Blue calcite, in particular, lowers blood pressure and benefits the nervous system.

Psychic benefits

Blue calcite soothes the nerves and lessens anxieties by eliminating negative emotions and encouraging rest and relaxation. Blue calcite can also work as a natural sedative after emotional trauma. It is also known as a spirit stone. Calcite increases memory and learning abilities. It is the ultimate stone for students and scholars. Finally, it facilitates calm communication and can encourage an optimistic point of view.

 Warning :

All the informations contained on this page is given as an indication and presents esoteric benefits and popular beliefs. They are in no way medical advice and can not be used as a substitute for medical treatment. Only your doctor has the skills needed to diagnose a possible pathology and make the appropriate prescription. This information relates the traditional properties of stones in lithotherapy as indicated by many references.


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