What are the benefits of obsidian ?

In summary...

Painkiller, cramps, protection, calm, lucidity

Physical benefits

Obsidian reduces many pains, such as cramps or other joint pains.

Psychic benefits

Obsidian is a very important protection stone that acts very quickly. Ideal for fragile people, it protects them against negative energies. It allows to find inner peace and calmness of the soul. Obsidian liberates the mental plane to remove all the notions of confusion and to leave the full opening to the intellectual.

 Warning :

All the informations contained on this page is given as an indication and presents esoteric benefits and popular beliefs. They are in no way medical advice and can not be used as a substitute for medical treatment. Only your doctor has the skills needed to diagnose a possible pathology and make the appropriate prescription. This information relates the traditional properties of stones in lithotherapy as indicated by many references.