
It is with deep passion and unwavering commitment that I present this mineralogy review, the fruit of a vision born from several observations and many years of hard work.

After twelve years devoted to writing and putting online the encyclopedia of minerals, as complete as possible and completely free, it seemed to me that a new impetus was needed. We live in a world where access to information is monetized and where, unfortunately, mineralogical culture is crumbling, victim of increasing marginalization and often diverted by more superficial concerns such as lithotherapy. If the latter responds to a need to re-enchant the world, it must not eclipse the scientific rigor and intrinsic beauty of mineralogy.

The recent disappearance of the French review Le Règne Minéral leaves a void that this initiative modestly aims to fill. Through this participatory review, I wish to offer a space for exchanges, discoveries and transmission. Those who share this passion and want to contribute are warmly invited to get involved. Each contribution will be signed, thus respecting the importance of individual recognition in a collective effort.

I solemnly commit that this journal will remain entirely free and devoid of advertising, this omnipresent scourge of the 21st century that produces nothing, if not an increase in carbon emissions. Knowledge, a universal good, must never be privatized or restricted.

"Access to knowledge must be free, without distinction, and reserved for everyone who seeks to understand the world around him." – Albert Einstein

The dematerialized format of this journal has several major advantages: it allows for rapid and widespread distribution, reducing the costs and environmental impact related to printing and transport. It also guarantees immediate and simplified access to content in French, English and also in any language via automated translation tools. In this journal, the accessibility of scientific information is essential. Thus, complex technical terms and names of mineralogical species will be systematically clickable, referring to their definitions or detailed sheets. The goal is not to create elitist or inaccessible content, but on the contrary to offer everyone, whether novices or experts, the opportunity to fully understand each article. By facilitating access to knowledge, we want to make mineralogy open and understandable to as many people as possible, thus encouraging curiosity and continuous learning, without any barriers.

This journal is intended to be monthly, but without any rhythm constraints. Articles will appear when they are ready, respecting the time needed for reflection, research and editorial quality. For the sake of proximity and simplicity, I will personally take care of hosting and sending the issues by e-mail to those who choose this method of distribution.

This project is a declaration of love to mineralogy, an attempt to give this field the place it deserves in culture and science. Together, let's keep the flame of knowledge and curiosity alive.