Magnetite is enormously trafficked, especially in the world of lithotherapy and esotericism. Faced with an ever growing demand for care and well-being items, we have seen in the years 2000-2010 many objects and tumbled stones sold under the name of magnetite but that are not. It's objects are actually waste magnets, a mixture of ferrite and resin whose magnetism has been induced with an electromagnet... These objects can be metallic gray but also iridescent (surface treatment by sublimation of titanium).
Hardness : 6
Density : 5,2
Fracture : Irregular to subconchoidal
Trace : Black
TP : Opaque
RI : -
Birefringence : -
Optical character : -
Pleochroism : None
Fluorescence : None
Solubility : Concentrated hydrochloric acid
Magnetism : Ferromagnetic
Radioactivity : None