What are the benefits of tektite ?

In summary...

Dizzyness, bones, electro-magnetic waves, protection, serenity, love

Physical benefits

Tektite is used in lithotherapy to counteract vertigo and loss of balance. It is also known to accelerate healing in general in addition to current treatments. It strengthens bones and protects the body from electro-magnetic waves.

Psychic benefits

Tektite is considered a stone of protection for the traveler, it avoids theft and physical aggression. It is also used to clean up the overloaded mind and dissipate negative energies stored during significant emotional shocks. It allows to find serenity by releasing obsessing experiences of the past. It also allows for letting go of financial or material possession concerns. Finally, it is a stone of love.

 Warning :

All the informations contained on this page is given as an indication and presents esoteric benefits and popular beliefs. They are in no way medical advice and can not be used as a substitute for medical treatment. Only your doctor has the skills needed to diagnose a possible pathology and make the appropriate prescription. This information relates the traditional properties of stones in lithotherapy as indicated by many references.