What are the benefits of chrysocolla ?
In summary...
Throat, lungs, back, stomach, rheumatism, burn, anti-fever, liver, tension, pancreas, thyroid, childbirth, calm, forgiveness, tolerance, intuition, patience, love, communication
Physical benefits
The chrysocolla has the ability to relieve diseases of the throat (bronchitis, angina, tracheitis, etc ...), lungs, back and stomach. It also helps to soothe rheumatism, and burns, fever and aching joints. It improves the functioning of the liver and medulla oblongata. This mineral also helps to neutralize high blood pressure, insulin production and thyroid problems. It is for this reason that the American Indians attributed to this stone the capacity to reinforce the physical resistance. It is also a stone which contributes to regulate the hormonal cycles and soothes the pains related to the childbirth.
Psychic benefits
The chrysocolla is the stone of calm and tranquility. It encourages forgiveness, compassion, and tolerance. It removes the guilt, the anxieties and the conflicts that one can feel inside oneself or with those around him. It is also associated with intuition, patience, and unconditional love. Thanks to her, emotions are regulated and mood disorders channeled. It develops the faculties of communication and expression and facilitates adaptation to new situations such as maternity or menopause.
Warning :
All the informations contained on this page is given as an indication and presents esoteric benefits and popular beliefs. They are in no way medical advice and can not be used as a substitute for medical treatment. Only your doctor has the skills needed to diagnose a possible pathology and make the appropriate prescription. This information relates the traditional properties of stones in lithotherapy as indicated by many references.