Class : Oxides and hydroxides
Subclass : Hydroxides and hydrates
Crystal system : Trigonal
Chemistry : Ca(OH)2
Rarity : Rare to uncommon
Portlandite is a calcium hydrate which forms in very diverse environments, having in common strong temperature variations : contact metamorphism, volcanic fumaroles, alkaline hot springs, combustion zones of coal or bitumen seams. It is also found in industrial slag. Its name comes from Portland cement, whose solidification by hydration is due to massive crystallization of portlandite. It is a mineral which forms hexagonal lamellae of up to 6 cm, more commonly fibrous and porous masses.
Main photo : Portlandite from Wessels Mine, South Africa © Jeff Weissman
Portlandite in the World

No twins known for this mineral species.
Fakes and treatments
No fakes listed for this mineral species.
Hardness : 2 to 3
Density : 2.22 to 2.23
Fracture : Undetermined
Streak : White
TP : Transparent
RI : 1.547 to 1.575
Birefringence : 0.028
Optical character : Uniaxial -
Pleochroism : None
Fluorescence : None
Solubility : Water, hydrochloric acid
Magnetism : NoneRadioactivity : None